March 26, 202506:16:32 PM

33 Popular Dog Names From Around The World

Some people start thinking of baby names before they’re even ready to have one. That’s like me, but with dogs. I have a whole backlog of dog name ideas.

If you’re less prepared and planning to adopt, maybe you can take some inspiration from some popular pup names from around the world. Budget Direct compiled data identifying the most popular dog names in every country.

In order to come up with this list, Budget Direct created a points system, giving 10 points to the most commonly occurring names and so on. Here are the top 10 most popular names for each sex, as well as some pretty names from other countries you may not have heard of.

The 10 Most Popular Female Dog Names

For female dogs, these names occurred the most in research:

  1. Luna
  2. Bella
  3. Lola
  4. Molly
  5. Lucy
  6. Kira
  7. Daisy
  8. Mia
  9. Nala
  10. Nina

Luna is the most popular dog name in 16 countries and Bella (or Bela) dominates 14 countries.

The 10 Most Popular Male Dog Names

Male dogs, who are more likely to receive human names than females, mostly have these names:

  1. Max
  2. Charlie
  3. Buddy
  4. Rocky
  5. Jack
  6. Milo
  7. Toby
  8. Leo
  9. Bruno
  10. Rex

According to Budget Direct, “Max” claimed the most popular name in the world by a considerable margin. Max is the most common name for a dog in 13 countries and scored over twice as many points as second-placed Charlie.

Other Beautiful Favorite Dog Names From Around The World

Here are just some names favored across the globe:

  1. Perla: Popular in Iceland, the name means “pearl.”
  2. Figa: Numerous dogs in Poland have this name.
  3. Meggie: This human name is popular in the Czech Republic.
  4. Picur: Dogs in Hungary frequently receive this name.
  5. Vodka: Surprisingly, it’s Egypt and not Russia where you can find many female dogs with this name.
  6. Lovely: This self-explanatory name is a favorite in Albania.
  7. Pereko: Many female dogs in Ghana are given this name.
  8. Medot: In Slovenia, you can find many dogs with this name.
  9. Leedi: Just like the spaniel from Lady and The Tramp, this name translates to Lady in Estonia.
  10. Draugus: In Lithuania, this name is basically the equivalent of naming your dog “Buddy.”
  11. Brando: You might automatically think of the actor Marlon, but that’s not what’s behind this popular dog name in Egypt.
  12. Mateo: Spanish for “Matthew,” this name is given to a lot of dogs in Colombia.
  13. Sora: In Japan, this word meaning “sun” makes for a beautiful and popular dog name.

Some of the dog names found to be most popular are unique to a certain country. For example, many Brazilian dogs receive the name “Mel,” which actually means “Honey” in Portuguese.

You can see the results of the study as well as the sources for Budget Direct’s research here. Hopefully these names give you some ideas! Or, if you want to be unique, you’ll want to stray from any of the most popular monikers.

H/T: The Scotsman

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