March 26, 202510:00:43 PM

33 Hilarious Cat & Dog Tweets To Make You Laugh Your Paws Off

We love our cats and dogs for so many reasons. They’re adorable, intelligent, loyal, and always there when we need them. And best of all, our kitties and doggos are funny as all get out! Pawrents can always count on their furry ones to provide the most excellent comic relief.

Even on the worst of days, like Mondays, we can look to our cats and dogs for laughs. And, thanks to social media, we can enjoy other people’s fur kids being silly too! Twitter provides a well of laughter that promises never to dry up when it comes to funny cats and dogs. So, enjoy these tweet-worthy animals caught at just the right moment for a laugh, like this cat and dog duo who let helped their mom capture “a brilliant photo” of them!


Funny Tweets About Our Furry Friends 

“Monster movie actor between takes.”


“Before and after he learned we were charging him two full months’ rent even though he’s only six weeks old.”


“Yuo have taken on beutiful date? Donot be nervious: It is dog.”


“Everyone look at the Halloween costume my sister got for her cat.”


“I was taking a picture of my dog in her new costume and she made this face.”


Laws of physics don’t apply.


“Quiet please.”


“Don’t get cats.”


Always good to have experienced help!


Sometimes you just wake up to watch the world burn when you’re a cat…


Don’t taste this rainbow…


“This is Kamui, he’s tired of dealing with me.”


“What do I look like??”


“Proof that cats are liquid.”


“Sometimes even superheroes misjudge timing when landing.”


“My face after eating a whole row of Oreos.”


KodahBear says, “‘Ohh you are awake, morning dad. Like my smile?'”


“Same to you cheeky.”


“Aslan knows that no matter how beautiful you are, sometimes you just have to let your inner derp shine!”


“I’m a fearsome tig…er… zzzzz.”


“Finley + frisbee = Saturn dog.”


When chonks sleep…


“The dog is derping hard. Yes, he is fast asleep. Yes, his tongue is on the floor.”


When you’re in the moment, you just can’t help the funny faces!


“This poor #newfie will never live this down. EVER.”


“Hello? Is it my Food?”


“You are not going out without me!!!”


“I ripped up the chair cushion. Mom is mad at me so I played the cute card.”


“Why are dogs in wigs so fricken funny?”


“Tali obliged us with a silly face. She looks absolutely enraptured and dumbfounded.”


When your mom tells you to smile


And one more for the road…

Did you laugh? We hope so. Now, have a great day and pat your pups and kitties for us!

Feature Image: @cuteccumberr/Twitter & @OzarkPet/Twitter

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