March 19, 202511:51:20 PM

Dog Who Helped Her Family Cope With Their Father’s Terminal Cancer Is Now Missing

Just two months after a family lost their patriarch to terminal cancer, they’re experiencing another, different kind of loss. On February 17, 2022, their 9-year-old German Shepherd Dog Ruby went missing.

Ruby, a rescue, helped this family get through the most challenging experience of their lives. To lose her this way, just after saying goodbye to their husband and father forever, is utterly heartbreaking.


Still, Ruby’s family is not giving up hope. They’ve reached out to volunteer groups and the community at large for help finding this beloved family member.

“A Bright Spot During A Difficult Time”

Ruby’s family adopted her eight years ago “through a series of serendipities.” The sweet dog served as a support system and a companion for the whole family for years.

In a statement describing her dog and the impact she’s had on the family, Ruby’s mom said:

“Getting her was a bright spot during a difficult time as we had just learned my husband Mark’s cancer had returned widely metastasized and incurable. Ruby had previously suffered severe separation anxiety so it suited her that we were home a lot and she could always be with us. She immediately became a beloved member of our pack.”


Ruby’s presence helped Mark’s wife and children cope with his worsening condition, and after Mark passed, she offered her unconditional love and support.

“As Mark’s health faltered she stayed by my side. After he died she started sleeping in his spot on our bed, filling that terrible emptiness. And on the darkest days of navigating life without him it was her gentle nudge that got me up.”


Ruby’s family insists she’s not normally one to run off. They called her decision to chase something out of her yard “uncharacteristic.”

“In all our years together she has never run off. She is very attached to me.”

Help Ruby Get Back Home!

Ruby disappeared from Oak Grove, Minnesota, but her family and volunteers suspect she may have made it father away at this time. She is microchipped, but it’s possible she’s been picked up or transported somewhere.

The Retrievers, an all-volunteer team that helps rescues and individual owners find their lost dogs, has been working with Ruby’s family to help bring her home. You can get tracking updates by commenting on their Facebook post.


The Retrievers shared this advice/request for help:

If you live in the Oak Grove, Cambridge, Isanti area PLEASE check doorbell cams and trail cams; also QUIETLY check places on your property that she could be hiding. Ruby may be in survival mode so if you see her, do not approach/chase/try to catch her…please just call so her mom can get there.”

Please call 612-270-9192 if you see Ruby or know anything about her whereabouts. Let’s get this healer and family member back home!

H/T: Bring Me The News
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