The Healthy Hound Newsletter #52

In This Issue

● Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
● Household Allergens
● Are We Over-Vaccinating Our Dogs?
● Why Dogs Hump & How To Stop It
● Common Autoimmune Diseases
● Holiday Foods You Can & Cannot Share

Recent Food Recalls

11/13/20 – Albright’s Raw Chicken Recipe
10/8/20 – Sunshine Mills, Inc. (20 Brands)
9/22/20 – Billy+Margot Wild Kangaroo & Superfoods
8/24/20 – Nature’s Menu With Chicken & Quail
7/13/20 – Benyfit Natural Raw Dog Food


Can Dogs Get Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

When all-consuming thoughts lead to repetitive behaviors it is referred to as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Since we cannot know for sure what dogs are thinking, their version of the disorder focuses solely on the obsessive behaviors. It is called Canine Compulsive Disorder (CCD) and it can be difficult to identify.

Find out the common signs of CCD in dogs and how it is diagnosed.


Research shows pups understand us better when we speak in a high-pitched tone so break out your best baby voice during training!


The Healthy, All-Natural Hard Cheese Snack Your Dog Will Love

Sun-dried cheese made from Himalayan yak milk sounds pretty gross, right? Not to your dog! These all-natural treats are lactose-free with a hard texture dogs love. They’re guaranteed to provide hours of happy chewing!

Here’s what real customers had to say in their 5-star reviews:

  • “Our dogs love the Yak bones. They last a while, do not smell & when you heat up the small pieces there is no waste.”
  • “Great, quality product – my dog loves it! I was surprised at how large the chew is and how long it lasts. We are still on Yak Chew #1 and it’s been a little over a month since we’ve had it.”

Learn more and get your 2-pack of large Golden Yak Chews here!


Although rare, dogs can be allergic to:

  1. Cat Dander
  2. Bird Feathers
  3. Human Skin Cells
  4. All of the Above

Not sure? Read on to find the answer!


These Household Allergens Could Be Making Your Dog Sick

“Allergen-free” diets are all the rage right now, but it turns out food allergies are relatively uncommon in dogs. The Clinical Nutrition Team at Tufts University’s Veterinary Medical Center writes:

“The most common cause of itching, skin infections, and ear infections in both dogs and cats are fleas, allergies to fleas, and environmental allergies – dust mites, pollen, grasses. Both flea allergies and environmental allergies are MUCH more common in pets than food allergies, but flea, environmental, and food allergies can all have similar symptoms.”

These 10 household allergens could be the cause of your dog’s itching.


Are We Over-Vaccinating Our Pets?

Overall, canine and feline vaccinations are just as safe as those for humans. Life-threatening reactions are exceedingly rare and minor issues like lethargy and mild fever are considered par for the course.

However, our pets receive vaccines far more frequently than we do – some as often as every 6 months. Is this necessary? And more importantly, is it safe?

This article covers the latest protocols as well as alternative options to help prevent adverse effects from your dog’s vaccines.


Protect your dog’s delicate paw pads from ice, snow, and winter chemicals by applying Nature’s Butter™ Paw Balm before walks.


Why Dogs Hump & How You Can Stop It

Humping is the pinnacle of embarrassing dog behavior, but it isn’t always about S-E-X.

According to veterinary behaviorist David S. Spiegel, neutered adult dogs hump when they are overly excited, to assert their dominance, or because they lack proper socialization skills.

Neutering a sexually mature male puppy may help, but what about older dogs? And females? (yes, they hump, too) And dogs that hump pillows or stuffed animals?

Fetch by WebMD offers strategies to halt this mortifying behavior in its tracks no matter what the underlying cause.


The 5 Most Common Autoimmune Diseases In Dogs

by Christie Long, DVM

An autoimmune disease is a condition that causes the body to turn on itself. Instead of protecting the animal, the immune defenses turn inward, attacking glands, blood cells, organs, and more.

While no one knows exactly what causes autoimmune diseases, there seems to be a genetic component for many affected dogs.

These 5 autoimmune diseases are those most commonly seen in veterinary medicine.


6 Holiday Foods You Can Share With Your Dog & 10 You NEVER Should

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and if you are cooking a traditional feast there will be sweet and savory dishes everywhere. Many of the ingredients that go into creating these foods are safe and even healthy to share with your dog, while others can be downright life threatening.

To keep your dog safe it is important to learn the difference. Additionally, if your pooch is a food bandit, you may want to keep him safely tucked away while you cook and serve!

Do you have a question or topic you’d like The Healthy Hound to address in an upcoming newsletter? Click here to let us know!

Quiz Answer:

4. All of the Above. Believe it or not, dogs can be allergic to just about anything including cats, birds, and even their owners!

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