Shey, a 14-year-old nearly blind and deaf dog with rotted teeth, was dumped at the Animal Rescue League of Iowa. His family moved and decided not to take the Miniature Poodle with them. Sadly, the poor senior pup spent four months just waiting at the shelter.
Then, a boy named Tristan and his mom visited the Animal Rescue League of Iowa, looking for a dog he could hold in his lap. The staff directed them right to Shey. In a Facebook post, the rescue described a scene of love at first cuddle.
“Tristan and his mom took Shey into a hug room, and he settled right into Tristan’s lap and relaxed. The smiles on their faces said it all.”

Of course, this was a love that was meant to be forever. Tristan’s mom shared with the rescue:
“We just have a thing for older dogs. Knowing that you’re doing something for them that other people might not do.”
Sensitive Beyond His Years
Jessica Jorgenson, digital content coordinator for the IARL, told The Dodo how maturely and sweetly Tristan handled Shey’s adoption, event though he’s a special case.
“He understood that Shey couldn’t hear what was going on and might not be able to see things clearly, so he was very slow with his actions. He was just very respectful of what Shey could and couldn’t handle.”

While the staff reviewed Shey’s medical history with his new family, Tristan took diligent notes about vaccinations and special care. He shared with the staff that he even set up a special place in his room for the pup.
The young boy and his new dog make a perfect match, Jorgenson said.
“Shey is very content. Cuddling is his favorite thing in the world, and he snuggled right in with Tristan.”

Tristan’s father also shared that the two sleep together every night. They’re pretty much inseparable these days!
Saving Shey Wasn’t Enough
In addition to visiting the IARL with Shey, Tristan also raises money for the other animals in their care. Jorgenson noted:
“When Tristan was adopting Shey, he saw so many other animals that needed homes and wanted to help.”
The family owns a clothing business. They now do something called “Tristan Tuesdays,” when a percentage of all Tuesday sales go towards a donation to the Animal Rescue League. When the donations reach a certain amount, the business’ parent company matches the donation. According to the rescue:
“Tristan Tuesdays have become really popular, and his mom said some customers have even picked out items of clothing that they want and ask to hold the items until Tuesday so they can have their purchases counted toward Tristan Tuesday.”
Tristan is such an incredible young man, for not only saving one life but working to save dozens more.
H/T: Woof
Featured Image: @ARLIowa/Facebook
The post Awesome Kid Rescues The Oldest Dog At A Shelter appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.
via Whisker Therapy