March 18, 2025

Lost Dog Survives in Cave for 3 Months Before Surfers Find Her

You never know what may happen when you embark on an adventure on the sea. Two surfers recently had a very surprising encounter that perfectly illustrates this idea. A long lost dog, a cave on the beach, two helpful surfers, and a very relieved set of pet parents are the players in this wonderfully “pawsitive” tale.

Image Matty Johnson/GNN

A Hike on the Juan de Fuca Trail Gone Wrong

Pet parents and nature lovers, a couple set out with their dog to hike the rugged Juan de Fuca Trail. At some point during the hike, their dog became separated from them. The couple embarked on a search mission to find their lost dog, but were unsuccessful. They continued looking for months and nearly gave up hope of ever seeing their dog again.

A Day on the Water Takes a Surprising Turn

Friends Zach Regan and Matty Johnson were out on a small aluminum boat taking an overnight surfing and fishing trip on Vancouver Island. The pair were trying to get to safety to avoid an incoming storm when they made a very surprising discovery.

An animal was spotted inside a cave onshore that appeared to be too small to be a bear or wolf. Matty told the Dog News Network“We were trying to beat an upcoming storm, but we made the decision to save the dog.”

Image Matty Johnson/GNN

Heroic Effort Made to Get Bring the Dog to Safety

The dog was clearly in bad shape. She was cold, fearful, and completely out of sorts. Matty patiently worked to coax the dog out of the cave. Matty then put the dog on top of her surfboard and paddled carefully out to the awaiting boat and her friend Zach.

Transferring the dog to the boat was tricky and nearly ended disastrously. Zach told CTV News, “I came in with the boat, and I grabbed her before she sunk to the bottom because she was so weak.” Once inside the boat, the friends got to work on warming the dog up and making her feel safer.

The Friends Wrapped the Dog Up to Warm Her

The only thing the friends had to wrap up the dog was a surfboard bag. They wrapped it around the terrified pooch and did their best to snuggle with her. The group made their way back to dry land to take the next steps of trying to find the family of the lost dog.

Image Matty Johnson/GNN

Stella Reunited with her Humans

The couple who lost the dog, named Stella, were beyond relieved to hear that someone had found her alive! Matty relayed to GNN that there was nothing but good vibes all around ”when the owners—long since consigned to the death of their dog—got word she was safe.”

The rescuers said the rescue involved a “wetsuit, a surfboard, a lasso, almost being bitten in the face, a reef, big waves, and awesome teamwork.” A very happy ending for all to this unique rescue story!

Featured Image Matty Johnson/GNN

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