March 17, 202501:33:39 AM

Family Dog Joins Police Chase, Thinking It’s A Fun Game

Police Chase Dog Featured

Some dogs are always eager to protect their humans, but others just want to have some fun. Yet, Ruby the Lab and Pit Bull mix wonders why she can’t do both at the same time. Sweet Ruby chased down a suspect in the woods outside her home, causing her to become a hero in the end.

To her, it was just a fun game of tag, but she later learned that she saved her neighbors from a robbery. As heroic as she might seem, Ruby was just being herself: a dog who loves to play!

Happy Lab Mix
Image: Screenshot,

Suspects on the Run

The Upshur County Sheriffs in Texas arrived at the scene of a robbery after alarms went off in someone’s home. Two suspects ran out of the back of the house once they noticed the police. They both disappeared into the woods right away.

The officers called investigator Tim Hall to the scene during his lunch break to help search the perimeter. He dropped his things and rushed to help. During his search, he spotted the suspects and instructed them to come to him. Instead, both of them fled in a heartbeat. The female suspect headed toward a nearby field while the male suspect disappeared into the nearby woods.

The man vanished from sight right away, so Hall followed the female suspect instead. But to his surprise, the man ran out of the woods only moments later in a panic. Hall had never seen someone run so fast toward the police in his life.

Dog Running into Woods
Image: Screenshot,

“I’ve been doing this for 13 years, and I’ve never seen anything like it. I will never forget as long as I live how fast that gentleman was running; downhill, lost one of his shoes. Shoe went flying up behind him, and he didn’t break stride at all,” Hall said.

An Assisted Arrest

Hall soon discovered that a four-legged civilian was the cause for this panic. Ruby chased the man at full speed, barking like crazy. When she spotted the officers, she ran to them, looking for attention. But at that point, the suspect was already too exhausted to keep running. Ruby had done the work of an official police dog without even knowing it.

Honorary K9 Badge
Image: Screenshot,

Ryan and Angela Hill, Ruby’s parents, were amazed at their dog’s quick thinking. They know their pup very well, so they think it’s likely that she just wanted someone to play with. After all, she greeted the sheriff with a wagging tail.

Kaylon Deon Earl and Jessica Edward Wayne Parker were arrested for stealing from one of the Hills’ neighbors. Officers found a pile of stolen items outside of the car that the suspects abandoned.

As for the real hero of the story, Ruby was greatly awarded for her brave actions. Hall gave her a collar and tag as an honorary police K9, so she can show off her achievements to all her friends. For the suspects, it was probably hard to tell what the large dog’s intentions were. But anyone who knows Ruby knows that the four-legged hero just loves to have fun.

Lab mix relaxing outside
Image: Screenshot,

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