March 17, 2025

The Healthy Hound Newsletter #4

In This Issue

● Recent Recalls
● Yelling Is Bad For Your Dog’s Mental Health
● Vet Brings Dog “Back From The Dead”
● Dog Learns To “Talk” By Stepping On Buttons
● Tips For A Well-Behaved Dog On Thanksgiving
● Vet Corner: Recognizing Antifreeze Poisoning
● Thanksgiving Recipes To Share With Your Dog

Recent Food Recalls

10/30/19 – FDA & CDC report Pig Ear Salmonella Outbreak “appears to be over.”
9/21/19 – Performance Dog Raw Pet Food
8/31/19 – Aunt Jenny’s Frozen Raw Dog Food
8/14/19 – Texas Tripe Raw Dog Food


Yelling At Your Dog Causes Long-Term Damage To Their Mental Health

We all get frustrated with our pups from time to time. According to a recent study led by biologist Ana Catarina Vieira de Castro of the Universidade do Porto in Portugal, yelling and negative reinforcement are definitely not the answer.

Not only does yelling cause your dog stress in the moment, it can lead to long-term damage to their mental health.

“Our results show that companion dogs trained using aversive-based methods experienced poorer welfare as compared to companion dogs trained using reward-based methods, at both the short- and the long-term level,” the researchers write in their paper.

“Specifically, dogs attending schools using aversive-based methods displayed more stress-related behaviors and body postures during training, higher elevations in cortisol levels after training, and were more ‘pessimistic’ in a cognitive bias task.”

Similar research has been conducted on police and laboratory dogs, but the Portuguese study is the first to address the long-term effects of negative reinforcement on companion dogs.

Learn more about this innovative study here.


Bathing squirmy dogs doesn’t have to be so difficult. Smear some peanut butter or chicken baby food on the shower wall for an easy distraction!


Vet Staff Bring Dog ‘Back From The Dead’

When a 13-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Casper stopped breathing in the lobby of her emergency veterinary practice, Dr. Deborah Hope and staff sprang to action.

Casper suffers from congestive heart failure, and the rescue team had little hope he could be resuscitated. However, they refused to give up on him.

“Usually, if presented with a case like Casper, we would not expect him to regain his heartbeat or breathing,” Hope said, “but we were attempting to save him because that is what we do.”

After ten long minutes of non-stop CPR and emergency care, Casper’s heartbeat started again and he began to breathe on his own!

Find out what happened when Casper regained consciousness, and how he’s doing today.


How many words can the average dog learn?

  1. 40

  2. 165

  3. 750

Not sure? Read on to find the answer!


Dog Learns To “Talk” With Custom-Made Communication Board

You may be wondering, “what does communication have to do with my dog’s health?” If speech-language pathologist, Christina Hunger’s work is accurate, it could become an invaluable health tool for owners and vets alike.

Just imagine if your pooch could tell you where it hurts or what exactly she ate from the overturned garbage can!

Hunger has been teaching 18-month old Catahoula/Blue Heeler mix Stella to communicate since she was 8-weeks-old. When she has something to say, Stella steps on buttons that correspond with words programmed into a custom communication board.

According to Dr. Stanley Coren, an expert in canine intelligence, the average dog can understand about 165 words, possibly more with training. But Hunger’s work with Stella goes well beyond simple word recognition.

So far, Stella knows 29 words and she’s even able to combine them to make short sentences up to five words long!

Find out what Stella has to say about playtime, outdoor noises, and Hunger’s boyfriend, Jeff. Her words will melt your heart!


Most dog parents are familiar with the funky, fishy smell of freshly expressed anal glands. But did you know a gentle, scented ear cleanser can help cut the odor? Just splash it on a baby wipe and gently clean that fanny!


How To Turn Your Dog Into A Terrific Thanksgiving Guest

Thanksgiving is a time for family, food, and gratitude. But with all the sights, sounds, and especially smells, dogs can easily get overwhelmed.

Perhaps your pup gets worked up by the doorbell, overexcited by guests, or begs for table scraps. To avoid a potential disaster, plan ahead to help your dogs be the best guests they can be this Thanksgiving.

Whether you’re staying home or visiting friends and family, these 5 tips will help set your pup up for success.


What Does Antifreeze Poisoning Look Like?

by Dr. Kathryn Primm

Much of the United States has been plunged into an early freeze. To keep cars running throughout the coldest months, many turn to the viscous blue sludge known as antifreeze.

What friends, neighbors, and even many pet owners don’t realize is that antifreeze is one of the most toxic household substances to your dog. Worst of all, it has a naturally sweet taste that draws animals.

Without prompt veterinary care, the ethylene glycol in antifreeze can cause severe kidney damage and death.

Dr. Kathryn Primm explains how to recognize the early signs of antifreeze poisoning so you don’t waste a single second before seeking help.


Delicious Thanksgiving Recipes You Can Enjoy With Your Dog

Even when I don’t have big plans for Thanksgiving, I still like to make a big, elaborate meal. After all, I’m still grateful for so many things – including my wonderful dogs!

If you’ll be having an intimate celebration this year, why not cook up a meal your canine companions can enjoy right alongside you?

Our friend, celebrity chef Lisa Hennessy of Your Pet Chef, shared several recipes meant to be enjoyed by dogs and humans alike. She includes everything you need to prepare sides, dessert, and a turkey-licious main course everyone will love!

Chef Lisa even created the Veggie Chips & “Collieflower” Dip appetizer just for iHeartDogs!


Do you have a question or topic you’d like The Healthy Hound to address in an upcoming newsletter? Reply to this email and let us know!

Quiz Answer:

2. According to Dr. Stanley Coren, an expert in canine intelligence, the average dog can understand about 165 words. However, one extraordinary pooch named Chaser displayed knowledge of a whopping 1,022 words!

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